Today we competed in the third part of the X PRIZE Finals efficiency test, the 90 mile highway portion. All went well and I stuck to the minimum trace speed staying behind 5-times-Le-Mans-winner Emanuele Pirro in his Edison2 Very Light Car #95 who clearly knew what he was doing. We always pushed the E-Tracer #79 powered by an AC Propulsion drive system to the starting line and back to the charging impound in order to not waste a single watt-hour. Tomorrow morning (Friday, July 23rd, 2010) at 10 am, we should receive the results. I predict the E-Tracer #79 got well over 200 MPGe. If not, I will never push the thing again as I was already achieving 188 MPGe during June’s Knockdown Stage efficiency tests. On Friday afternoon from 2 to 3:40 pm both E-Tracers will run the 100-mile-range event together at 60 mph. Watch it live on the web!
best, Roger
We’ve received the official MPGe data for the E-Tracers from the Efficiency events:
197 MPGe for E-Tracer #72 (Brusa powered)
189 MPGe for E-Tracer #79 (AC Propulsion powered)